Spraytech/Junair’s Automotive Prep Stations are specially designed for an easy in, easy out, contaminant free environment for preparation and priming. The start of a great finish is in a clean, well-lit environment that is also safe for workers to perform their task with ease to achieve the best possible results. All equipment designed and manufactured by Spraytech is OSHA and NFPA compliant.
Automotive prep stations would normally have curtained walls, while a Closed-Top/Open-Face (CTOF) prep station would have 3 solid walls with a curtained front. A CTOF allows unlimited painting if designed for spray mode as well as curing. A basic auto body shop prep station could be designed for sanding only, recirculating the air through filters for high efficiency dust removal. Configurations are available for Semi Downdraft, Side Downdraft and Full Downdraft booths.
An aihttp://staging.pacificspraybooths.com/product/full-downdraft-paint-booths/r make-up unit can be added for heat and cure if desired.
See the Smart Prep page for a clever design that incorporates the mechanicals (air make-up and exhaust) and a mix room into a smart, efficient package that’s well priced!